Equal opportunities

The NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials offers equal opportunities to all participants, fosters the advancement of young scientists, and promotes the integration of women at all educational levels in natural and life science disciplines. The Center supports and promotes the career development of talented young scientists and women through various activities. The main goals of the Center are to:

  • Promote and protect everyone’s right to equal opportunities;
  • Promote the interest of female students in natural sciences already at the undergraduate level;
  • Create a culture and boundary conditions at the workplace to ensure equal career opportunities for parents;
  • Disseminate successful measures and promote their implementation in other units of the universities that form part of the Center and beyond;
  • Encourage young female researchers to pursue an academic career and actively help them to overcome existing hurdles;
  • Support the career development of (female) PhD students and postdocs and promote the careers of pre-tenured academic researchers;
  • Actively support women’s employment at all levels within the NCCR up to the professorial level.

The NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials Faculty Delegate for the Advancement of Young Researchers and Women is Prof. Dr. Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser.

The NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials regularly organizes roundtable discussions over lunch to discuss family-work balance and career opportunities.

Funding programs
Funding programs
Mentoring opportunities
Mentoring opportunities
Gender equality policy
Gender equality policy
Success stories
Success stories