NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials

The National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) Bio-Inspired Materials is based at the University of Fribourg. This interdisciplinary center is an internationally recognized hub for paradigm-shifting research, innovation, and education in the domain of “smart” materials whose function and design are inspired by nature.


New model to help fight stomach infections

An innovative laboratory model that mimics the human stomach lining could help better understand how common bacteria cause infections that can lead to serious conditions such as gastric cancer. Researchers…

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Detecting cancerous mutations

Cancer causes mutations in cellular DNA. Detecting these mutations in a patient's blood enables the most appropriate and effective anti-cancer treatments to be prescribed. However, detection is only possible…

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Turning bacteria into cellulose-producing mini-factories

NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials researchers have modified bacteria with UV light to produce more cellulose. The basis for this is a new approach, which generates thousands of bacterial variants and helps select…

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